Well said Cofty.
The Rebel.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
Well said Cofty.
The Rebel.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
Cofty please clarify my errors about the diary. I also disdain my comments being associated with David Irving.
Cofty, Rather than ban speech we disagree with, we should educate ourselves. Let me therefore publically ask you, would you and your family have hidden in " the secret annex" whilst a noisy 1940s vacuume cleaner was being used each morning, and whilst wood was being chopped with an axe, and smoke coming from the chimney of your hiding place? I certainly wouldn't, and all this in the first few pages of a diary, that began stating the need to remain silent.
I think many people can comment on the " Diary" but the evidence should be based on having read it. Have you read the " diary" Cofty? That is where the evidence is not Davd Irwing.
The Rebel.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
Giordano thanks for your post.
In my opinion we can do a brief search on the Internet about the diary and come up with evidence either way. I think the challenge is to read the book with critical thinking skills and come to our own conclusion. I say this because none of your points in defense of the diary would I challenge, but I do challenge the diary based on Annes comments, about the need to be so silent, that they couldn't even cough at night, and yet they have constant noisy quarrels, use daily a noisy vacuuming cleaner, chop wood and have smoke come out the chimney at night. This and many other points make me using my independent thinking question how much of the diary was written by Anne Frank.
Anyway under copywriter law " The Diary of Anne Frank" should have became under the public domain in January 2016. Oh I say should, it's now considered that Otto Frank is an editor. Well that makes a bizarre argument, surely editing a book,especially a personal diary, shouldn't effect the authorship. Not unless it was co-written in my opinion.
The Rebel.
p.s Simon I apologise for my atrousious spelling and thanks for bringing the matter to my attention.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
Diognisister, " in my opinion the only thing wrong with that is every NATIION is as guilty for standing by and letting them DO it"
The Rebel :- I would answer, to a lesser degree you are right, but some countries like Canada even allow the government to pass laws that limit free expression, so long as the limits are "reasonable and justified" to the Canadian government. Sadly those fine lines could in Canada be miss construed, because I believe saying the " diary of Anne Frank" was a hoax, is not hate speech, whilst they believe that makes me anti-Semitic.
How do we define free speech?
The Rebel.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
Thanks for the reply " Ben".
Personally to me, it's ridiculouse that the story is anything than made up. In the first entries we are told of the need to make no noice, yet daily they are using a vacuum cleaner at 11.30 in the morning,and they are chopping wood with an axe to make chimney smoke, at night, it's just ridiculouse.
But the bigger issue I believe is that it's a properganda book, designed to make money on an an innocent girl. To do that they created in that diary an innocent first first love Anne & Peter, victims of a black and white world. It's total properganda and the message of hatred to the German nation I believe abhorrent.
Sadly I believe if it wasn't for this diary, the 100s of genuine diaries written by girls in hiding may be read. Those stories are the true history of those terrible times, and they show a truer history of humanity.
This is why words should never be banned, and opinions allowed to be spoken. If you ban words you ban " Freedom of speech". However words should be exposed, held up to the light and questioned. But never banned.
The Rebel.
attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of anne frank".
( he is 10 years old) i pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by anne frank, and i would educate my boy on why i believe this to be so.. in my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me.
i think it wrong that an educational system will i suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " anne frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.. freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
Attending my boys parents evening it was mentiond they were to study the " diary of Anne Frank". ( He is 10 years old) I pointed out to the teacher that having read the book, in my option the book was not written entirely by Anne Frank, and I would educate my boy on why I believe this to be so.
In my mind this was a totally reasonable responce by me, but it has resulted in the head-master of the school wanting to meet with me. I think it wrong that an educational system will I suspect meet with me and presumably suggest my options on the " Anne Frank diary" constitute hate speech, as nothing could be further from the truth.
Freedom of speech is never absolute, but at what point do you think it reasonable and justified?
The Rebel.
i was recently thinking before i became " mike" i was an innocent baby, then as the days passed slowly by, i developed a sence of " iam".
as the days moved forward my body, slowly developed a a "sex organ" whilst my mind took on a sence of " emotional" and " intellectual" i am" .
this allowed me to become my current " i am?.
deleted, double post
the religoios lessons themselfs are not missed, they were actually quite dull, and i realize i learnt nothing of value from them.
instead a quite evening at home playing with my boy is more endearing.. yes my life has moved on, i occassionaly see members of my former congregation in shopping centers, or they are putting the kids in to the back of the car and inside i believe most of them have bottled it, they prefer the comfort to the " truth" who am i to expose the can of worms.. many of course can blame parents or grandparents for having grown up as outcasts in school and i hope if they do leave like me they hold no resentment.
indoctrination is a terrible thing, and even false prophecy, royal commissions, and proof that many of the elders in the congregation are complete and utter shits won't change them.
Well I stared the O.P, so I should comment on the thread. As the image seems to have generated more interest than my words, I would like to say what that image represents to me:-
All right to the individual, freedom and justice to the special one, quality not quantity. And yes the individual not only has the right to a life outside the watchtower ,the individual has the right to a better life. The world outside my be lonely but it's the individuals new world which has taken courage and intelligence to enter. Most important of all laughter can and should be found as the days roll on.
The Rebel.
i was recently thinking before i became " mike" i was an innocent baby, then as the days passed slowly by, i developed a sence of " iam".
as the days moved forward my body, slowly developed a a "sex organ" whilst my mind took on a sence of " emotional" and " intellectual" i am" .
this allowed me to become my current " i am?.
I really do appreciate all of the replies. Thank you.
Millie210, if I may make an assumption, I think the little intimate secrets members share on the forum are proof that many of us are developing as individuals very nicely, in our journey outside of Watchtower indoctrination.
The Rebel.
i have drawn the conclusion that when god speaks, he is using the language and the concepts of the time.
he is not revealing a new scientific understanding when he speaks.
that would be distracting from the point being made.
In my opinion God has had great difficult in expressing even the simplest sentences. This is only my opinion, but it is why I think it absurd we need an entire bible to share what should be a common message of love.
Is the bible a common message of love?
In my opinion if the bible is the words of God it's a disgrace to a higher intelligence, in fact much of it I find dark and brutal. In fact I once did try to base my life on the bible or the watchtower interpretation of it, I was a brutal homosexual hating shit. I am glad i have have kissed Gods word in the bible goodnight.
The Rebel.